IS-EUD 2023

IS-EUD 2023

IS-EUD 2023, il 9° Simposio Internazionale sull'End-User Development, si terrà a Cagliari, dal 6 all'8 giugno 2023. IS-EUD è un evento biennale rivolto a ricercatori e professionisti con un approccio…
IS-EUD 2023

IS-EUD 2023

IS-EUD 2023, the 9th International Symposium on End-User Development will be held in Cagliari, from 6 to 8 June 2023. IS-EUD is a biennial event for researchers and practitioners with…
CHItaly 2023

CHItaly 2023

CHItaly 2023, the 15th edition of our bi-annual chapter's conference, will be held in Torino from September 20 to September 23. The theme for this edition is "Crossing HCI and AI." Indeed, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)…
Scuola Estiva AFIRM CHI 2022

Scuola Estiva AFIRM CHI 2022

La scuola estiva AFIRM CHI2022 ( rivolta agli studenti di Dottorato in HCI delle università italiane e francesi, si svolgerà a Padova, dal 22 al 26 agosto. Mira a migliorare…
Summer School AFIRM CHI 2022

Summer School AFIRM CHI 2022

AFIRM CHI2022 summer school ( addresses Ph.D. students in HCI from Italian and French universities, and it will take place in Padova, Italy, from August 22nd to August 26th. It aims…