IS-EUD 2023, the 9th International Symposium on End-User Development will be held in Cagliari, from 6 to 8 June 2023. IS-EUD is a biennial event for researchers and practitioners with an interdisciplinary approach to EUD, including Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Work Interaction Design and related areas.
IS-EUD 2023 collected research contributions as full papers, short papers, work-in- progress and doctoral consortium papers that presented topics surrounding:
- AI for end-users
- End-user IoT
- Privacy, security and society
- Supporting end-user programming
The program includes two keynotes. The opening will be by Antti Oulasvirta, Professor at Aalto University, Finland, discussing algorithmic and interactive aspects of Human-In- The-Loop methods for considering human agency and cognition. The closing keynote will be given by Nava Tintarev, Professor at Maastricht University, covering the reasons for developing decision-support systems that can explain themselves, and how to assess whether they successfully support users in making their decisions.
The program also hosts a Doctoral Consortium and three workshops: CoPDA 2023 , CSE4IA , and EMPATHY.
The conference is also active on social media as @iseud23