The elections for the new SIGCHI-Italy chair were held between October 20 and 25, 2022. The role has been appointed to Professor Giuliana Vitiello of the University of Salerno.
Giuliana is a full Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Degree in Salerno. She has taught Human-Computer Interaction at the University for more than 20 years, and she has been a Senior SIGCHI Member since 2009. She is the head of the HCI-UsE lab, working on HCI and usability engineering. Her current research interests are techniques for enhancing the User Experience with the new interactive systems, which impact different aspects of everyday life, from health to work, leisure and mobility.
Her plan for Chapter’s future in the next years consists of three main points:
- Increasing and diversifying the events organized by SIGCHI ITALY is key to building participant loyalty and increasing the interest of new users.
- Bringing a unanimous and proactive voice to decision-making tables.
- Discussing Sustainable Development and the UN 2030 Agenda
The whole chapter and the Extended Committee thank Maristella Matera, the former Chapter’s Chair, for her efforts and outstanding work over these years.