ACM IUI 2020 is the 25th annual premier international forum for reporting outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces and it will be held in Cagliari at the THotel from the 17th to 20th of March 2020.
ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and the Artificial
Intelligence (AI) communities meet, with contributions from related fields such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is to improve the interaction between humans and digital technology, by leveraging both HCI approaches and state-of-the art AI techniques from machine learning, natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning.
In addition to the 65 papers, the conference program will include three keynote presentations by Keynote Brad A Myers (IUI4EUD: Intelligent User Interfaces for End-User Development), Margaret Burnett (Explaining AI: Fairly? Well?) and Ana Paiva (Humans and Robots Together: engineering sociality and collaboration), 49 posters and demos, 8 workshops and 2 tutorials. The technical program will be complemented by social events to facilitate informal discussions and networking among the conference attendees and invited guests.
For more information, please visit the conference website http://iui.acm.org/2020/