Survey on Courses and Research Groups in HCI – 2022 edition

We are glad to announce that we presented the updated data on HCI courses in Italy at AVI 2022. In addition, we updated the information on the Italian research groups in HCI.

The results and the collected data are available for an interactive exploration through a dedicated public repository on GitHub, allowing the community to use the results for their own research and analysis.

We now support also the interactive browsing of the data through the following dedicated pages:

We shifted towards a new data collection model, where updates or new course or group descriptions may be proposed by sending a pull-request to the repository. Once accepted, both the list and the overviews will automatically update.

The survey is a joint work between the University of Salerno and the University of Cagliari, coordinated by Giuliana Vitiello (Extended Committee delegate for the Education) and Davide Spano (Extended Committee delegate for the Research).